Sunday, 28 October 2012
Stepping through the process sequence, 11 thu 18
Stepping through the process sequence, 10 of 18
10-1 This is sufficient Powder. Primer Tube is empty, as Indicator Rod bottomed out, and feed disk is empty. Tip: add a 45 ACP shell to the Plastic primer follower rod.
10-4 Correctly seated primers, examples of Large and Small pistol primers.
10-2 through 10-8 are a simple repetition until the desired powder charge is set. Adjustments are made via a 7/16” adjustment bold head at the back of the Powder Bar. Clockwise increases the charge. Two sizes of Bar are used, Standard and Magnum .. The standard works for all my loads.
10-9 10-9 through 10-13 Powder load: AA#5 8.0 grains.
Stepping through the process sequence, 8 & 9 of 18
Setting Seating depth and cartridge Overall LengthA nice cross-sectional pictorial demonstrating correct seating depth.
Confirm OAL with Reference source: SIG 357, 1.140” to 1.130” Set in middle of tolerance range: 1.1350”Set dial indicator to Zero on a 1.135 standard .. Easy to spot check as you reload.
Moving right to step 9, station 5 to set the case crimp. Station 5 .. 9-4 Round is being ejected by the eject wire.
This shows correctly crimped bullets and cases. NOTE there are various types of crimps used, this is what I get with my Dillon pistol dies. The 357 SIG and 38 Special (top left and bottom left) are crimped on a cannelured bullet, Top right; 200gr SWC, 45 Long Colt and same bullet in a 45 ACP
This is very much a Visual and Feel setting .. You can measure it, worth doing when you start, but experience will let you judge a wide range of: Case-Bullet combinations.
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Stepping through the process sequence, 7 of 18
Stepping through the process sequence, 4, 5 & 6 of 18
These next 3 steps are easy in content and go quickly. BUT again attention to detail Step 4-6 !!!The last 100 primers to Flip and load into Small Primer pick-up tubes (Yellow plastic tip) I have Magnum primers so I’ll go ahead and use them.
Packaged 100 to the box, place on to serrated Flip Tray base. Yes there is a trick to this. Place the tray Lid on to base and flip.
Correct any primers that are wrong side up .. load up the tube. That’s 5 tubes 500 primers .. good enough to get started
Tip: 4-6 the last 1 or 2 primers will stay inside the YELLOW pick up tip .. gently push them free into the tube. (I use a clean aerosol plastic tube) This will avoid any Flipped primers going into the press.
Load a good handful of cases into the bowl. Without the feed tube installed plug the out feed end and run the feeder. With a few cases in line the Micro Switch should turn the feeder off.
Shell plate empty pull the lever down to end of stroke. You want a few thousands of an inch clearance between the Shell Plate and the bottom of the Re-Sizing Die (station 1)
On to step 7
Friday, 26 October 2012
Stepping through the process sequence, 3 of 18
Completing Steps; 1 and 2 ensures you have a ready supply of cases.
A methodical approach with attention to detail is required. The Dillon XL 650, progressive press, and its peers, represent the most mechanically complex pieces of equipment you’ll find when reloading at home. I have seen some one-off, hand made, Rube Goldberg contraptions built by “Shade-Tree Re-loaders” Namely: One Eyed Jack and Three fingers Pete.
This is typical of my work station during a Press Run. No unnecessary stuff in the area. Clean and well lighted. I can tell the Low Primer indictor has sounded (rod is bottomed out) I need to recharge the primer tube, top up the powder hopper and empty the finished rounds bin .. but we are jumping ahead.
3-1 through 3-8, are primarily visual, area inspection and clean up as required. The simple punch list helps determine what has to be done to reconfigure for the next run.
Prior Session: Caliber: 357 SIG .. Small Pistol Primer .. Powder AA#5, Hopper is 1/2 full and the Small Pistol Primer Plate is installed.
3-9 From the punch list information you can establish the Change over Kit and parts required. Reference the manual, page 44 - the Caliber Conversion Chart.
3-10 through 3-21 .. Working methodically, items a) thu j) and all the required parts will be pulled together.
Changing from: 357 SIG to 9mm Luger.Here are the change over parts ready to go. Empty Tool-Head stand for the 357 SIG tool-head plate.
3-22 .. DO NOT rush this. Removed parts do have a home, put them there. Hardware that will be Re-Used leave at the press.
First I open an empty powder canister, Remove the 357 SIG Tool-Head. Empty powder into canister and store.
Put the SIG tool-head on the stand, remove the Locator Pins and Shell Plate, put these parts in the tool stand and store.
Remove the Case Feed Bushings, Station 1 locator and store.
Done with the removal .. I’ve used this press since Aug 1996, so this is Old-Hat, but the devil is in the details
3-23 and 3-24: .. DO NOT rush this. Rebuild the press from Case Feeder down to Shell Plate.
Case Feeder, empty and ready. Change out the CF bushings (Green) and adaptor (Small)
Install the #5 Case Feed Plate and Ejector Clip. Insert the 3 station pins and Station 1 Locator.
Install Tool-Head and connect Fail-Safe rod into Powder Bar assembly
Visual check .. Index slowly .. double check .. Ok? Done!
Step 4 is next.
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Stepping through the process sequence; 2 of 18
Step Two: Pistol Case Preparation
Trim to overall length using a small dedicated Trim Lathe. Manual crank or power assist. This can be done with with spent primer left in or removed. I have a preference to De-Prime, avoid all kinds of issues. I run fired brass through Station One on my XL 650 press:- Overall Re-Size and De-Prime. This allows use of the Auto Case Feeder.
Dial / Digital calipers are an absolutely indispensable tool for the Re-Loader. For convenience, I’ll set up a Height Gauge Stand and Dial Indicator. This is also done for completed Cartridge Overall Length.
After trimming to length we move to the final step in Brass Prep. For this I use an RCBS Trim Mate Case Prep Center:
This 5 station motorized tool station supports all manner of tool configurations. Two basic functions of: OD and ID De-Burring I have set up in front. Primer Pocket Cleaning in the back. Case cleaning brushes can set up in a non-motorized station. Develop a process flow that works for you. I flow from Right to Left (finished cased). a) De-burr OD then ID. b) Primer pocket clean. c) Flash Hole size-de-burr, d) Case brush .. Done
NOTE: If you like to break up the process in-to a succinct division of tasks. Case/Brass Prep is a good point to “Mass” process your brass, at least through the End of Step 1. The equipment, actual tasks are easy to run resulting in a large quantity of Cleaned and Inspected brass. My personal preferred method.
Step Three: Press Preparation and Set-Up
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Stepping through the process sequence; 1 of 18
On my previous post:
I concluded with an overview of Re-Loading specific equipment costs. There are many options that can you started for well under $500, but, its more addictive than Chocolate !
See comments on this post:
NOTE: For “How-To” instructions Youtube is a great source. These two channels have first rate uploads:
OBXSOLWIND .. Link to example:
One additional good quality link from; SoCalPreppers
I’m providing a set of; written and illustrated in-sequence process steps, with a few pointers and tips along the way.
Step one: Acquire all the consumables required:
Brass Shell Casings; Buy New, Use Once-Fired (from factory ammo) or collect at the shooting range.Brass: Sort – Inspect – Clean – Re-Inspect – Store for use.
Primers & Powder, I buy these.
Bullets: Buy, and or Cast. I have no plans to cast.
Range / Mixed Brass: Sort through and segregate by size. A sub-sorting by manufacturer can be done. I stopped doing this, as recreational pistol shooting does not require this type of consistency. During the sorting a first Visual inspection is performed, suspect cases are rejected.
Once sorted and or visually inspected the Brass is cleaned. I use Dry Media in a Vibratory Case Cleaner. ALL brass, even new never fired. Separate the brass from the cleaning media. I use the Dillon CM-500 Separator
A SAAMI spec. Case Gauge is used to inspect and sort Cases for Diameter (fit in gauge) and Case Length.
Brass that has been sorted (left) and a small batch of Cleaned Brass (right)
Step Two: Case Preparation .. to be continued.