Friday, 24 November 2017

A Few Long Guns

.22 Custom
.22 Single Shot Target
45 Long Colt
357 / 38 Special 
12 Gauge

A Few Hand Guns

45 ACP.... Customized for Bullseye Target
.22 Custom Target.
9mm Custom Competition Set-Up
9mm Custom Competition Set-Up
357 Sig.  Open Sights, Custom Set-Up
.22 Target Slab Side Bull Barrel
.22 Custom Set-Up38 Special Open Sights CustomBull Barrel Set-Up
.22 Customized Target Set-Up 6 shot Stainless Steel
9mm 1911 Commander 
45 ACP Combat Commander
45 Long Colt

Custom Target Grips

I have a few Target Pistols & Rifles with superb custom grips / stocks. These have all seen long service and delivered first rate results with plenty of enjoyable years ahead.

S&W Stainless 22LR, 6 shot.DSC03734

Benelli 22LR, 9 shot.DSC03745

Custom Springfield 1911, 45ACPfullsize1

Anschutz 22LR, single shot.DSC03749

Full Custom Ruger 1022..DSC03748

Found among the books

During an extensive bookshelves cleaning and clearing I found this among various catalogues. This is a few years old.

A Randall Fung catalogue for Custom Grips, made in the US of A20171124_09330520171124_093329

Happy to report progress and there is his web site:

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Temporary Re-Labeling Ammo Cans … Done

Improved labeling completed. It will be easy to Re-Label / Over Label when required.  Minor change from the Small Can prototype label .. I used a 3.5” x 2.5” label for the nine remaining cans.

22 Cans .. 44 Labels, for hand-gun ammo and Cowboy Action, lever action rifles.20171122_183008Twelve Large Cans . two spare20171123_094337Ten of the Small Cans .. all full20171123_0943499mm

Ammo-Box; Labeling hack that maybe of help to you

Plastic ammo boxes have a “Textured Surface” .. These vary, but use standard moulding techniques. This textured surface can be difficult to get standard labels to adhere, even after degreasing / cleaning the plastic surfaces.  I do prefer the newer plastic cans over the original metal cans.

Standard Avery labels just don’t stick, see below. … I have these on hand.20171122_15364520171122_152746I also have this Shurtape AF 100, UL 181A-P/B-FX Listed aluminum foil HVAC tape. 20171122_153621Appling a section of AF 100 tape to the ammo box, an Avery label will adhere to the aluminum surface of the AF 100 tape. This is about an 85% solution, so for now problem solved, easy to replace when I acquire more VHB tape, 3M VHB Tape (Very High Bond) . Update mid-next week with new graphics labels for all the cans.

Labeling the ammo cans …. Update with purpose designed label stack-up using a material that will adhere to the plastic textured plastic ammo cans.


Made up sets of: 3 1/2” x 2” and 4” x 2” “Sub-Labels”, VHB tape with 2.06” wide white drywall tape. This shall act as generic box labels, ammo specific labels shall be applied to the white tape.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Ammo Boxes (Manly Tupperware)

Fourteen (14) large and 10 small ammo boxes. 22 are all loaded. Two additional boxes for SCUB equipment (orange) one for plumbing parts (purple).[20171122_183008%5B5%5D]imageTwo (2) for shop storage, plumbing and SCUBA supplies.1234

Saturday, 11 November 2017

3,000 pcs Complete …. Update 11/13

Just finished up the last of the 3,000 pcs.  Awaiting arrival (Monday) of 10 ammo cans to augment storage.

So all 10 new ammo cans arrived .. all now full, ordered another 10

Friday, 10 November 2017

The last batch on this run of 3,000 9mm Luger

Last of the brass is loaded in the rotary feeder, bullet tray is full with last of the 125 gr 0.356” Flat Nose Copper Plated bullets.

Primers are loaded, primer pick-up tubes are full, all set for the final set.

Transport is arranged to carry the completed Ammo to storage:07Hiroshige: Torii by the shore at Miya, circa 1850

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Re-Sizing .. 0.357” to 0.356”

A simple process when a set sequence of steps are taken. 

A) Clean and Lubricate bullets.

B) Leave to air dry in prepared drying container.

C) Prep lubed bullet bin and separate re-sized bin (line with protective liner)

D) Process through re-sizing die/station. With help from #1 apprentice

E) Degrease and air dry bullets.

Now proceed and Re-Load as normal.

Ref pictures:r_161lee-lube1-720x340IMG_7645[613]

Approx. 43% through the reloading of 3,000 9mm

The build of: 1,000 115 grain Round Nose is compete.  Minor tweak's to the XL650 and all set for the 124 grain Flat Point bullets.  Set-up checked out, production is complete. Now on to Re-Sizing 125 grain 0.357” diameter Flat Point bullets to a nominal 0.356”, ideal for use in my 9mm Luger semi-autos.

After a short climb .. it’s tea time, a handy rest stop awaits on Mt. Utsu for dango (dumplings made of rice flour) and tea03Attribution: Hiroshige, early 1840s

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Afternoon Tea

A respite well deserved … re-loading 9mm continues.  All in all a productive